How scary is this?
"Understanding Criminal Law" - m4m
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Date: 2005-04-22, 6:46PM EDT
You were sitting across from me reading a book entitled as above. You caught me looking at you and then winced in apparent disgust. Was it so horrible of me to catch a glimpse of you, someone I thought was cute who was sitting directly in front of me?
* this is in or around M Train To Union
I'll tell you that I sure as hell would've winced if some hottie caught me reading for crim. Torts, on the other hand. That'd be sexy!
Of course, most people on the train would see that book and think you were reading the biggest, most boringest cookbook ever.
At 4/26/2005 01:37:00 AM, Anonymous said…
i sort of feel cool reading my crim law book on the train. it's better than being seen reading my other favorite book:
"living with herpes"
At 5/02/2005 05:03:00 PM, Anonymous said…
In my case, my crim law book is actually nothing more than a hollow box, with a few pages of text and a cover on the top and bottom. Inside this box is where I keep my massive dildo and enema bag kit. And for laughs, I've sort of scratched out the first letter of the book's title, so it's more like my "rim law book" -- keep 'em clean, and insert.
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